My Father died very suddenly when I was a seventeen year old girl. After the fresh fall of grief there were other winters of it too. I was chosen to give the graduate speech at my nursing graduation in 1981. The day of the graduation I spent many hours crying. As I practiced my speech to be delivered that night in the Auckland Town Hall to an audience of over a thousand parents and students, the mayor of Auckland and nursing officials, my Father was constantly in my thoughts.

At that moment I felt that all of heaven was open and my Heavenly Father and my own Dad were watching from a distance. Somehow nothing stood between us. My 3 minute speech was delivered succinctly and quickly and as I stepped down the stage steps to my amazement every person in that auditorium stepped to their feet in applause. Something had happened beyond all of our understanding, God had come down to touch every heart through my pain.
That night I knew that God sees our pain and is never distant.
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