I've been thinking I need to pick up an old hobby for a day and revel in it. I'm sure most of us don't have room to breathe in life, let alone pursue a hobby. Being woman, our lives are full to the brim with work, family and relational demands, too many voices, no empty spaces. Just cramped! We need to get away sometimes and the mall just doesn't cut it!

I did a photography course when I was living in Brisbane and it was the most thrilling thing. It brings alive every creative juice, especially developing one's own shots, very much a science and an art form but even to the most unskillful the magic is always there as the image emerges on the blank paper.
So here is the challenge to all you budding image makers, who desperately need to get away, pick up your camera sometime in the next week and head off by yourself to create. Step 2, send me a copy of your 'best of the best' shots on facebook. We'll see what we get back. Step 3 attach a comment about how it felt to be out there again with a camera in your hand.
Life can always be livened up by doing something out of the ordinary, where time gets lost and the soul takes flight.
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